Some days it just seems like I have fewer hours to work with than others! Anybody know what I mean? Yesterday might have been a fulfilling day with lots of accomplishments, my devotions done early and even time to exercise a little. But today I might not have enough time to brush my teeth, even though my daughter takes two long naps and my husband cleans the kitchen for me. Sometimes I just don't have enough time. But really...the truth is...I have the same amount of time yesterday as I do today and as I do every day; ENOUGH time to do everything God wants me to do. I need to make sure I use my time for priorities and not preferences.

Monday night Kenneth was excited because he had the opportunity to teach in Bible College here in Mississippi. He loved it! Several students told him how much they enjoyed his lecture and so did the college administrator (I'm not surprised). I wonder if he realizes he'll probably be teaching regularly at the Bible college in Kenya?

Monday night Kenneth taught and last night I got to teach! I shared a few moments with these lovely ladies at my home church during their monthly Ladies For Christ meeting. I don't speak often to ladies and I'm sure I don't do it very well but I'm thankful the Lord allowed me to serve him with a little of my TIME.
Soon I'm going to share some memories of our wonderful Christmas and post some of my favorite pics so don't be a stranger!
What GOOD GIFT has He given you today?
Matthew 7:11
Take care,
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