Thursday, March 19, 2009

Baby Bella!

No doubt about it....its a GIRL!!! Her name is Bella Grace and she looks healthy and normal. Christy, the nurse who did our ultrasound gave us a FREE 4-D peek and some great pictures. I hope you can see her clearly. We are so excited!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Kenneth came home today! Hey!!! Lord willing he wont be going on any more trips without me any time soon.

Did you know that Patrick of Ireland didn't really drive out all the snakes but he WAS a great missionary for the Lord? Recently I read a very interesting article about him in Baptist Vision. According to history, during his ministry, thousands came to know the Lord and Ireland (and the world) continues to remember him today. The Catholic church has claimed him, of course, but truthfully he was a really missionary hero!

Snapped this picture recently in the yard. Hanna & I (at least Hanna's toes) say, "Happy St. Patrick's Day!"

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hanna's Bedroom Pictures!

Happy Thursday! Hanna's Birthday (and Kenneth's) is next week. She'll be 2 years old. For an early birthday present her grandparents bought her this toddler bed and her Da Da bought the decorations. I thought I would share it with you. It's so cute!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Shower Photos!

Here's what we've been doing all day...showering! Just kidding. Lori, my cousin, is getting married next month and today was her shower in FL. The ceremony is going to be at a church on Pensacola Beach so the theme of the shower was, of course, the beach. We'll be in South Carolina at that time so we wont be able to attend. I was glad we could be there today though. Its been a good day but tiring...not a good way to go into a Sunday, especially the weekend of time change!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Another Recipe & A Devotion Thought!

Okay, okay, after two attempts at the cake recipe, its not as good as I hoped it would be. Half of my family loved it and half didn't care for it. But here's a tried and true one that's sure to please. Only cut it into teeny-tiny pieces cause it is some-kinda rich! Its called chocolate & peanut butter fudge...

Ingredients & directions: mix the following together and spread into a greased dish (9 by 13) 1 cup butter, 2 cups confectionery sugar, 1 cup peanut butter, 1 & 3/4 graham cracker crumbs. Then melt 1/2 cup more peanut butter and 1 cup of chocolate chips in a pan on the stove. Pore this over the crumb mixture. Lastly, sprinkle a little more graham cracker crumbs over the top and then place in the fridge to harden (it doesn't take long). Then...enjoy!

In my devotions yesterday in the book of Mark, I read about two ladies...the widow who gave all she had and Mary who anointed Jesus. The Lord showed me the widow gave all, small as it was, because she wanted to. The scripture says "of her want." Why did she want to? Because she LOVED him! And Mary..the scripture said of her... that she did all she could do. Again, why? Because she LOVED him! Question: Do I love him enough to give my all? Have I done all I could for him today? If I constantly remember all he's done for me in the past, all he is doing for me in my life now, and all he's promised to do in the future....these two things would come naturally for me. Just a thought...