Thursday, February 28, 2008

Todays good gift ... Christmas!

Here are the Christmas pictures I promised (a long time ago). I love all of them. Hope you enjoy looking at them.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Today's good gift...Kaiden!

Happy Birthday, Kaiden...and congradulations, new mom and dad!!!!

Little Kaiden Cuevas was born on Super Bowl Sunday, February 3, 2008. The proud parents are Jemma and Shaphen Cuevas (my sister-in-law's sister and her husband). Shaphen says Kaiden is his Valentine present. sweet!

He's had some medical stuff going on and is still in the hospital here in Jackson. Jemma is staying with him most of the time and Shaphen is driving back and forth from home (in Columbus) on the weekends. He's doing exceptionally well though and the doctors say he will go home by next weekend probably.

Just continue to keep them in your prayers.

What GOOD GIFT has he given you today?

Matthew 7:11

Take Care,

P.S. We got the suburban and its superb! HUM....we need a name for it.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Today's Good Gift...Valentine's Day!

Wow! Its been a long time. And I have a lot I'd like to say....but I'll keep it down to only two or three things.

We've been in three missions conferences in three weeks; its been great. Between all that, my wonderful husband took me to a Valentine's Day Banquet at Grace. It was a special evening. The lights were down low, the meal was delicious and we were serenaded by the Joy Ensemble from PCC. Not very ROMANTIC but it was relaxing. Hanna didn't seem to enjoy it though; I was called to the nursery twice.

Also at one of the churches, we lost our sweet little ZuZu. It was sad! We gave him to a little guy named Sam in Gulfport. Zeus now belongs to Ralph history. I miss the little fella....

Guess what! Kenneth and I are about to become the proud owner of a rather looonnnggg suburban. Really! We have the opportunity to buy the Andrwjeskies' (not sure about the spelling) vehicle because they are leaving for the field next week. I've been so opposed to buying a new vehicle from the get-go because I was afraid of having to borrow money. But the Lord has been working on my heart about surrendering to what He wants instead of holding on to what I want or think best. The Lord gave me the verse in Proverbs that says, "...Where there is no vision..." Basically, I need to get a vision of the future...a look at the big picture. How can I trust God to provide for us in Kenya if I can't trust Him to pay off $3000 car loan? Anyway, unless something changes, we'll have the suburban next week. Hey!

Happy Birthday, George & Abraham!

What good gift has he given you today?

Take care,

Monday, February 4, 2008

Today' Good Gift....MISSIONARIES!

Okay, okay! I know it sounds conceded and prideful but I'm serious. I truly am thankful for missionaries. We've just finished taking part in a missions conference with eight other missionary families (all giving their lives to go all around the world and share the Gospel)...eight families who we already knew before this week but now have become true friends...eight families that each have a story to tell of sorrow and heartache. Some of which I would like to share with you here.

One family going to Lithuania lost their oldest son two years ago just as they were begin deputation. While he was showering, right their in their home, he was fooling around and fell. He passed away right then and there! Can you imaging losing a child at all but especially in your home and in that kind of accident?

Then there's the family surrendered to Mexico. They have four children, three boys and one sweet girl named Lindsey. They've been on the field for nine years and Lindsey was born there. Now she is 6 years old, I believe. About two years ago she was riding with her dad on a four wheeler to deliver something to a fellow pastor. He was driving and she was sitting in front of him. They were traveling down a path they frequently used having a nice ride. Suddenly the dad saw up ahead that someone for some reason had stretched a string of bobbed wire across the path. They were headed straight for it and it was too late to stop. He held his legs out in an attempt to protect his little girl. The wire was old and rusted so it broke under the force. It sprang back and caught Lindsey across the almost killed her. She was in the hospital for months there in Mexico then here in the States. Two years later she is facing her eighth surgery...

There's also the story of the Baird Family, missionaries years ago to Jamaica. They aren't there now because the government forced them to leave. They wired their phone and accused Brother Baird of being a CIA agent. This is true, no joke! The authorities came to their home and told them they had to leave the country and could not come back. And on the same note, there's the story we heard from some missionaries in South America. They had shipped all their possessions to the country in a big container preparing to live there but the MAFIA confiscated the entire thing! They forced the missionaries to give them money every month so they would not be harmed and could keep their own things. What could they do? God had called them there and they felt they couldn't leave.

There are many other things I could share, like the two families we know that have had miscarriages this pass year. And like the Haitian missionary that has been arrested twice and lost his home after buying it out right from the owner who was selling it.

My husband and I have been taught never to tell the bad side of missionary life but sometimes it takes the bad to cause us to appreciate others. And sometimes it takes the bad to cause us to appreciate our Savior. Without HIM, there would be no triumph in these sorrows. Behind each sorrow faced by these missionaries there are countless souls won for Him. This is the triumph! This is the victory!

Personally, sometimes it takes the bad to motivate me to be willing to sacrifice more. If others have lost so much and suffered such heartache, how can I not be willing to go?

What good gift has he given you today?

Matthew 7:11

Take care,